Thursday 4 October 2012

What the eyes and heart perceive

  Based on my analysis, the long history of the iconic mosque was based from the Umayyad period relating to the Islamic historical timeline. The origin of the mosque was during the Byzantine period whereby it was known as a temple then. Romans' belief was the initial 'religion' before Christianity  revolves around the temple then before and eventually converted into a mosque later. Hence, the symbolic similarities that captures me is the idea of religion itself.

  The objective was to worship solely based on religion whereby the spaces were vividly translated. The temple then based on Romans' belief whereby shrines were located around the area in worshiping their gods. Thus, the idea of worshiping based on religion is the main process in order to reach the objective. After the invasion by Christianity in the Great Mosque of Damascus church was constructed in replacing the temple then. Church similarly as mosque for Muslims stand as a platform from them to show their faith to God. Faith stand as the tension or the link between worshiping and religion whereby worshiping stand as an action and religion is the authority. Thus, faith is the link connecting both in order to be closed to Allah. Faith is a believe which cannot be seen on the naked eye, symbolically communicating with God and the irony of acceptance invisible figure. However, faith is the key in believing that He is there.

  During 636, Islam conquered and converted the church into a mosque. They shared the mosque together by using the southern arcade for prayers. The principal of Islamic architecture based on Tawhid is captured whereby unity and unicity are vivid based on the space. The root of the word unity is unite whilst the definition of unite is 'come or bring together for a common purpose or action.' Thus society with different religion unite under the same roof to pray together simultaneously highlighting the main purpose of a mosque. 

  In conclusion, the principle of Islamic architecture of  Tawhid is crystal which can be captured based on the action of fellow devotees through process of action and faith in order to achieve their objective. The space within the mosque gives such complexity illustrating the mentality acceptances of faith as a unit through unity and unicity.  

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